The Maid of Heaven Foundation

Help Us To Restore The
To The USA

Once America was a great bastion of freedom precisely because the American people had a firm Spiritual Foundation of Freedom. What the original American patriots referred to simple as the “Spirit of Liberty” (Fischer, David Hackett Paul Revere’s Ride New York: Oxford University Press, 1994. pg 48) was their great Spiritual Foundation of Freedom that they relied upon above and beyond everything else to give them the strength and the power to be able to fight for and win freedom in their day. Unfortunately Americans today have been brainwashed into relying upon corrupt politicians to restore our freedoms which is why our problems just continue to get worse. It will only be when Americans today wake up and turn off the big political show and instead focus upon restoring our great Spiritual Foundation of Freedom that the USA will ever return to the level of freedom and liberty once enjoyed by our patriot ancestors.

"To the distinguished character of Patriot, it should be our highest glory to add the more distinguished character of Christian." ~ George Washington
George Washington Praying for Power of God
"God who gave us life gave us liberty. Can the liberties of a nation be secure when we have removed a conviction that these liberties are the gift of God?” ~ Thomas Jefferson

The Maid of Heaven Foundation is taking the lead in helping to restore the Spiritual Foundation of Freedom to the USA because this was exactly what St. Joan of Arc herself did for her people and why she had such spectacular success in restoring freedom to her country. Patriots today need to learn ALL the valuable lessons from the life of St. Joan of Arc and her spiritual leadership in turning her people back to God was actually her greatest achievement. When St. Joan first took command of the armies of France she emphatically told her soldiers: “It is not enough that God be with us, but we must be with God!” In the same way we need to tell everyone today who loves America and wants to see our freedoms restored that: “It is not enough that America was once Blessed by God but we must be with God again just like our American ancestors were!”

The original American patriots were fortunate that they had many great leaders that understood the extreme importance of having a firm Spiritual Foundation of Freedom. There were so many ministers in those days training people about freedom and liberty that they were actually called the “Black Robed Regiment” because of the great contribution that they made in preparing the original American patriots to be able to go out and successfully fight and win freedom. We can still receive inspiration from such men today as the words of patriot ministers like Samuel Cooke just before the American Revolution remind us of just how similar in need we are to our patriot ancestors: “The season indeed is dark; but God is our sun and shield. When we consider the days of old, and the years of ancient time, the scene brightens, our hopes revive. Our fathers trusted in God; He was their help and their shield.”

Unfortunately patriot ministers like Samuel Cooke are few and far between today which is why EVERYONE MUST STEP UP TO HELP RESTORE THE SPIRTUAL FOUNDATION OF FREEDOM TO THE USA! In order to help everyone to do exactly this The Maid of Heaven Foundation is providing FREE TOOLS that everyone can use like our FREE Spiritual Training Program to help everyone UNLEASH GOD’S FULL POWER so that we can restore ALL of our Freedoms Today!

Minuteman Statue with Emerson poem
"Spirit, that made those heroes dare
To die, and leave their children free,
Bid Time and Nature gently spare
The shaft we raise to them and Thee."
from Concord Hymn by Ralph Waldo Emerson
Unleash God's Full Power Training Program

The inspiring picture below of George Washington leading the original American patriots on to victory is from the Devotional Message for Week 19 titled God of Our Fathers and is a prime example of the FREE Weekly Devotional Messages that are provided every week as part of the Unleash God's Full Power Training Program to help train people today in the spirtual ways of our ancestors.

Washington Crossing Potomoc trusting the God of Our Fathers

You can receive the FREE Weekly Devotional Message every week by email by signing up using the link below:

Sign Up for FREE Devotional Messages


Restore Spiritual Foundation to the USA


"In questions of power then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the constitution!"
~ Thomas Jefferson

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The Maid of Heaven Foundation sponsored a Patriot Day 2nd Amendment Rally at the Kentucky State Capital on May 24, 2020, to help Everyone to be inspired to Love God & Live Free. This rally was also about honoring and learning from the Original American Patriots and Memorial Day Weekend was a perfect time to do so along with honoring all American veterans! To learn more about this special event and see videos of all the action that took place during the rally please visit this page about our PATRIOT DAY FREEDOM RALLY here
Click Image for Printable Flyer
Print High Resolution Flyer for Patriot Day 2nd Amendment Rally Print High Resolution Flyer for Patriot Day 2nd Amendment Rally                                                                   
For all the latest details and to Meet and Interact with some of the Patriots who will be attending this Rally JOIN our facebook Group Patriot Day 2nd Amendment Rally by clicking on the image directly below showing the group:
Patriot Day 2nd Amendment Rally Facebook Group

St. Joan of Arc THE Symbol of Patriotism
Because Freedom Comes From God It Takes the Power of God to Live Free! Card

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